Hey, I’m Aatash
Aatash Parikh
Learner, Builder, Educator

I’m currently working on Inkwire, a platform that helps students build their portfolios & helps educators with student-centered learning

Work & Projects
Taught middle school computer science & engineering in Oakland Unified School District.

Worked closely with Professor Dan Garcia at UC Berkeley in faciliating and teaching an introductory computer science designing to increase access to computer sciences to students traditionally underrepresented in the field.

I got to spend a summer as a Software Engineering Intern at Khan Academy in 2013..

While completing an M.Ed at the High Tech High Graduate School of Education, I spent a year embedded at High Tech High Chula Vista (HTHCV), seeing project-based learning at its finest.
(* It’s all learning)
Copyright 2023 Aatash Parikh